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SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It is a Recruiting website for the Students and the working professionals.

Music Player

vaibhav-xt's github profile

Music Player

Multi Step Form

himanshukrmr's github profile

Designing a multi step form and implementing js functionality


Siddhant-Patil0203's github profile

We bridge the physical gap between a tailor and the customers through our platform. Providing customers a choice of the tailors and the tailors with an increased reach for customers.

Apna Stock

iamharshkr's github profile

You can use our tool for the analysis the stock and also you can predict the price of stock. We use some of the best indicators for the analysis of the stock, Eg: Simple Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, Stochastic Oscillator, Commodity Channel Index And RSI. By analyzing these indicators you can predict the movement of the stock.

Personal Portfolio

Muhammadrabi's github profile

a portfolio website using React and Tailwind CSS.


Uzumaki4303's github profile

A web project that replicates the UI design of the Kali Linux home screen and terminal. The webpage is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and is hosted on GitHub Pages.


ratishjain12's github profile

A Fullstack MERN blogging platform

Leads Tracker

mohitparmar1's github profile

its a tracker that track our important tabs

Animated Coffee Machine

5h0ov's github profile

This is an Animated Coffee Machine built using html, css and a little bit of javascript.